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Drumski prevoz

Vaš pouzdani partner
u drumskom prevozu! Evropska unija, Turska.


Transport železnicom

Zbirni i pojedinačni
prevoz železnicom.


Brodski transport

Organizacija pomorskog prevoza iz Kine i dalekoistočnih zemalja obavlja se preko luke Kopar i Rijeka.



ISO 9001

ISO 14001



Import - export

Import and export organization, representation of foreign companies gives our clients the possibility to perform ,in their behalf, all international trading, exchange, shipping and transport services.

Within this service, we also offer the consultations for special terms of import\export according to international agreement with the EU, Russia, Turkey and CEFTE contries.

We specialize in finding legal ways to reduce and exempt customs duties \REEXPORT reexport processing, import of equipment with exemption from customs duties.

Lon deal – the specification of processing import includes continuous customs approval monitoring and processing customs solutions.

EUR verification for the contries of Europian union, Russia, Cefte contries and Turkey.

Advantages of international investment - relief from customs duties for the investment of international investor, etc.

Participation on Tenders – Law provides international companies the possibility to be participants of the Public tendering in Serbia. Common participation on tender with us as a national company gives various benefits/right on the VAT refund, greater competition, better service and easier communication with the PUBLIC ENTERPRICES

Representation of foreign companies – Imperijal is representative in Serbia for FITNESS OUT DOOR EQUIPMENT for workout, already situated in many public parks in Belgrade/ Tsmajdan park/

Certificates ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 confirm the quality in performing our activity and 20 years experience is a guarantee.
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